APAC, Kigali : let’s be ambitious for biodiversity!

APAC, the IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress, will take place from 18-23 July 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.

This is the first edition of this event, bringing together politicians, citizens and interest groups from the African continent.

It intends to highlight the role protected areas play in conserving nature, safeguarding Africa’s iconic wildlife and flora and providing vital ecosystem services.

The BIODEV2030 team, deployed in 16 countries, 13 of which being African, will be mobilised during this congress to put the spotlight on the mainstreaming of biodiversity into the development strategies of BIODEV2030 countries’ main economic sectors.

Save the date to join us in Kigali!

Infos & registrations : https://apacongress.africa

3 Highlights of BIODEV2030 at The IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress

BIODEV2030 is a science based approach used to foster voluntary commitments to mainstream biodiversity in sectors of economic activities. This session will highlight the key role institutions, especially CBD National Focal Points (NFP), play to support biodiversity mainstreaming, by showcasing the experience in Ethiopia, Guinea and Gabon. We will also hear the perspective of private sectors in these two countries (agriculture and mining) on their motivation for biodiversity mainstreaming.

The 16 BIODEV2030 pilot countries have reached a common understanding and vision on how biodiversity mainstreaming could be a crucial solution for implementing the GBF. Join us to hear about what 4 BIODEV2030 countries (Uganda, Guinea, Gabon, Benin and Madagascar) have to say about the links between GBF and BIODEV2030!

The BIODEV2030 initiative aims to mainstream biodiversity through sector-based commitments emerging from multi-stakeholder dialogue in 16 pilot countries. This session will present the key role CDB National Focal Points (NFP) played in mobilizing stakeholders in Benin, Uganda and Madagascar. You will also have a demonstration of the commitment building process in various agricultural sectors value chains.

Documents to download:

Other – BIODEV2030 journey during IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress